
Oh Logan. Oh!

Thursday on General Hospital (GH), Logan acted like a totally possessive douche bag with LuLu. He pushed her too far forcing her to run to Johnny. Sorry Logan, apparently you are a moron. Don't you know that soap opera girls only like boys who are brooding and sexy. Johnny is now "meant" for LuLu. After months of waiting (literally months) we will finally get to see some sort of exciting couple's climax. Sweet. Go Johnny go! At minimum, LuLu and Johnny need to start kissing more. I mean seriously - look at her, she is way cute. Kissing is hot.

Kiss. Kiss!

My super secret crush on Veronica Mars continues. I am now adding Logan to my list of favorite dreamy characters. Logan and Veronica together, nice. Kristin Bell does a great Clint Eastwood impersonation, and she's hot. What more could a boy want? I am a moron for not watching this show while it was on.

Go Logan. Go!


  1. Anonymous2/08/2008

    Logan and Veronica are hot hot hot. You guys finish season 2 yet?

  2. We're three episodes into season three, and I like it!
