
27 Queen Size Dresses

What a vagina weekend. No, sillies I'm not talking about my c u next tuesday - I am referring to the insane number of female cliches I engaged in over the past four days. Friday started out with a bang, no work for me - I was suffering from a migraine, which I believe is the modern day equivalent of the vapors.

On Saturday he took me to see 27 Dresses. A solid B+ romantic comedy. Katherine Heigel is adorable, even with her "mousy" brown hair. Dear Hollywood, Katherine Heigel is hot. No matter what. A simple dye job is not going to convince me that she is meek and shy and un-date-able. But whatever, why complain about a movie with boys and kissing and multiple wedding montages.

The rest of vagina fest included: Lifetime's new movie Queen Sized, an aptly named after school special featuring an overweight underdog who - gasp - gets to be - gasp - HOMECOMING QUEEN!!! OMG!!! Two episodes of Dr. Phil, two episodes of Oprah, one vampire romance novel and a home baked cake - complete with pink icing and heart shaped sprinkles.

In other news, today's hilarity brought to you by the word merkin, aka a vagina wig. Could someone please explain to me why vaginas need wigs?


  1. Anonymous1/22/2008

    I'm all for blog posts that allow me to respond with the word "vagtastic".
